R$ 279,90

Ex ad commodi consectetur








Tenha cabelos lisos & brilhantes em uma passada, na metade do tempo.

4.8/5 | +306.000 clientes satisfeitas

A ferramenta nº 1 para cabelos lisos e sedosos na metade do tempo & sem danos!

Basiqe Sleek Gold™

4.8/5 | +306.000 Clientes satisfeitas

"45 minutos gente, eu tô CHOCADA! Eu levava no mínimo 3 horas pra alisar meu cabelo antes!" - @analidialopess

Alisa 200% mais rápido do que pranchas comuns

5 níveis de temperatura, ideais para qualquer tipo de cabelo

Reduz os danos ao cabelo em 50% graças à tecnologia Multiplacas

R$ 279,90
R$ 539,80



10x sem juros de



Entrega pontual

Qualidade premium

1 ano de garantia

Logo of GLAMOUR in stylized capital letters.The word 'GLAMOUR' in capitalized serif font on a green background.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.
Person with long brown hair and a black shirt, posing with their hand near their face.Person holding a hair styling tool labeled 'PaddleGeek.'Woman straightening long hair with a flat iron.Person smiling while holding a brush-like hair straightener.Woman using a hair straightener on curly hair.A person with long hair holding a hair straightener.Person smiling while holding a Basique Brasil hair styling tool.A person smiling, holding a hairbrush, wearing a maroon shirt and necklace.A person smiling in a bathroom, wearing a black polo shirt, holding a curling iron.

Seu liso 2x mais rápido, com eficiência máxima 💜

A person holds a black hair straightening comb against a white background.


Selecione uma das 5 temperaturas da Sleek, de acordo com seu tipo de cabelo


Separe uma mecha (e pode ser uma mecha grande mesmo, nada de mechas fininhas!)


Encaixe a Sleek pertinho da raiz e deslize: ela divide cada mecha em 25 partes pra você 😌


Aproveite seu liso brilhante e saudável! E ah, prepare-se para os elogios ;)

6 benefícios INCRÍVEIS em apenas 1 escova!

"Ela deixa o cabelo liso e com um movimento lindo realmente na primeira passada, evitando a quebra dos fios." - Ana Soares, São Paulo

⚡ Liso 2x mais rápido do que com pranchas comuns

E se você pudesse ficar pronta na metade do tempo: ia facilitar muito a sua rotina?

Graças à nossa revolucionária tecnologia Multiplacas™, a Basiqe Sleek Gold tem 25 miniplacas de cerâmica que dividem seu cabelo em 25 mechas menores. Isso garante que todas as mechas sejam alisadas instantaneamente, reduzindo o número de passadas pela metade. Além disso, na parte externa da Sleek as cerdas não esquentam, ou seja, você não se queima e pode alisar desde a raiz! Essa é a hora de ter resultados que duram muito mais e um cabelo brilhante & sem frizz.

❤️ Reduz os danos ao cabelo pela METADE

💁‍♀️ Alisa a raíz fácil e sem queimar a pele

🌡️ 5 níveis de temperatura, ideais para todos os cabelos

🔌 Bivolt: leve para todos os lugares sem se preocupar!

🪶 Tecnologia Multiplacas, exclusiva da Basiqe

Black hair styling tools on a purple background with transparent geometric blocks.

Por que a Basiqe Sleek Gold™ 2.0 é a Melhor:

Sleek Gold™

Outras Marcas

Desliza fácil sem quebrar os fios

Preserva a saúde do cabelo, sem calor excessivo

Alisa 2x mais rápido que chapinhas

Possui 365 dias de garantia

Satisfação ou seu dinheiro de volta

Resultado rápido & duradouro em casa

4.8/5 | +306.000 clientes satisfeitas


Garantia de Satisfação

7 dias para fazer a devolução e receber seu reembolso sem burocracia.

Exclusivo on

Nossos produtos originais somente são vendidos em nosso site.

Woman smiling while holding a hair-styling tool against a purple background.

Tem dúvidas? Nós respondemos:

Qual A Diferença Entre A Basiqe Sleek Plus E A Basiqe Sleek Gold?

As duas possuem nosso sistema exclusivo Multiplacas, mas a Basiqe Sleek Gold é a escova queridinha pelas brasileiras. Faz sucesso tanto em cabelos cacheados, quanto crespos e é uma excelente aliada para quem está em transição capilar. Já a Sleek Plus é uma versão com mais potência para cabelos que precisam de uma temperatura maior. Ambas são um sucesso na internet e têm dezenas de reviews em todas as redes sociais.

Qual É A Voltagem Da Sleek?

Para Que Serve O Clip Finalizador? (Vendido Separadamente)

Como Funciona A Garantia De Satisfação?

Posso usar no cabelo molhado?

Pare de danificar seus fios com pranchas!

Clique agora e tenha o cabelo liso e brilhante como sempre sonhou.

4.8/5 | +306.000 Clientes Felizes


Por que comprar em


Pois só vendemos em Os produtos com qualidade premium da Basiqe que você vê tanta gente amando por aí só é vendida no nosso site:


Qualidade premium e entrega rastreável Surpreenda-se com a qualidade dos nossos produtos & conte com entrega garantida e um atendimento premiado no ReclameAqui ✔️


Resultados incríveis em todos os tipos de cabelo A Basiqe Sleek Gold possui 5 temperaturas até 210ºC. Por isso, consegue alisar e modelar todos os tipos de cabelo: loiros, lisos, ondulados, cacheados e crespos ✔️


Dados 100% protegidos Nosso site é constantemente avaliado e aprovado por empresas de segurança digital para garantir a confidencialidade de seus dados ✔️